ambas Real Estate GmbH
Your Retail Real Estate Ambassador
We focus
on your retail
real estate.
Welcome to ambas Real Estate!
As a dedicated retail investment and asset management advisory firm, our company advises owners and developers of modern retail properties and mixed-use assets. ambas is active in the European retail real estate investment markets with Germany being its core market. Across the entire asset class, our clients benefit from our team's in-depth niche market experience with asset types ranging from integrated urban mixed-use properties with contemporary dining, leisure, lifestyle and entertainment offerings to local district centres, regional shopping malls,
grocery-anchored retail parks and designer outlet malls.
In our typical service mandates, our clients use us as intermediaries between buyers and sellers, landlords and tenants, local planning offices and developers which apart from future-oriented conceptual thinking and commercial deal underwriting skills also requires a great deal of diplomacy and negotiation skills.
Our key task is to exchange messages and keeping parties engaged at the negotiating table until all solutions have been established so that the deal can be sealed.
Our mission.

Our company name arises from our mission. The term ambas stems from the Romance language and expresses the core concept of being an ambassador or diplomat.
Our brand.

As part of our mandates our clients send us in diverse
meeting rooms.The three aeroplanes in the ambas logo stand for our company values, which are trust, courage and team.
Our values.